
Friday, August 18, 2017


Since the start of term three we have been doing Taekwondo. In our first session we all got a wake up call from the taekwondo instructor. We were all told that we could only speak in outside voices. And we always had to say yes Ma'am and yes Sir to our teachers. It was really fun after that first session because we grew to know our taekwondo teacher. We also got to do a competition every week, we do it on a Thursday. Yesterday our competition was the scissor kick. I came first in my class the two times that we did it. Here are some photos of us warming up for our kicking competition. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Making A Good Comment

Yesterday for Cyber Smart we were looking at making quality blog comment. We were adding Positive, Helpful And Thoughtful commenting starters on a padlet. After we had done that we went onto Ako Hiko to find a blog to comment on. I chose New Windsor School Room 26. I did a comment on there library post. It was really fun doing all the parts of a comment individually. It was not as hard as I thought it was going to be a lot harder. This is the commenting template. 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Math's Creations

Yesterday for maths Te Waka Ako were looking at strand maths. We were asked to make a frame for a house or a tent. We were only aloud to use Toothpicks and modelling clay (Plasticine) and cardboard, we had One hour to make our creation.

It was really hard because it kept on falling down and I would run out of Plasticine, I couldn't get the right build. So I went back to the basics and I just made a little box or cube then I built a little Pyramid on top so it would be a little house. The best thing was trying to make the creation.

I was really happy that it wouldn't fall over anymore. I found out that the easier that you built it, the easier it was for it to stand up. I thought it was really fun and challenging trying to make it stand up and to do it with the amount of materials. Here is what I built, feel free to comment.