Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Monday Funday
On the 11th of December 2017 we had our wheels day. It was so fun because we got to go swimming, play games and ride our scooters. My favourite part of the day was swimming because it was so hot and it was so relaxing. The part of the day I disliked the most was probably the end of the day when we threw around the Nerf Vortex for an hour and ten minutes in the sun. If we did it again I would've liked it if we had it on a colder day so we wouldn't roast. I really enjoyed the day overall it's sad that I can't do another wheels day at this school, here are some photos of the slide.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Netball Zones And Camp
Term three was really fun. We went to the Netball Zones and also went to Mount Ruapehu. Netball Zones was so fun because it was the whole day and we didn't have to go to school and we won it by quiet a lot. My favourite part was probably the finals because we kept on intercepting the ball and it was so funny. We also smashed all the teams by more than 10 points so our team was very good and we had a great coach. Another fun thing about term three was going to Mount Ruapehu because we got to spend tons of time with our friends on the Mountain and also at the Hotel. We got to eat some very nice food and also got to spend heaps of time on the mountain. The bit I didn't like the most was probably when everybody spilt their water on the table. Here are some photos of my favourite times this year at Waikowhai.
Gala Slideshow
For the past couple of days after the Gala we have been working on a slideshow using the De Bono six thinking hats. We were allowed to add some photos into our slides. My favourite part of the Celebration Day was performing in the Kapa Haka group. I have learnt how to go more in depth with my explanation about my work. The hardest bit was probably the Black Hat because it was what went wrong but not much went wrong so it was difficult. Here are my slides down below, a comment would be greatly appreciated.
The hardest bit was probably the Black Hat because it was what went wrong but not much went wrong so it was difficult. Here are my slides down below, a comment would be greatly appreciated.
Friday, November 17, 2017
For the past two terms our school have been making creations for our School Gala day on the 25th November. Our class Waitemata have been making Organic soap. The other classes in our syndicate have been making Paper and Tote Bags. The process of making soap is really fun because we got to grate Lemons, Tangerine and Oranges. Our main ingredients were Glycerine, Shea Butter, Goats Milk and Triple Butter. And ingredients to make it feel and smell better - Oatmeal, Lemon, Tangerine, Oranges, Lemon essence and Watermelon essence. Those are only a few of the ingredients. My favourite soap is the Rosewater one. It was a long process because we had to wait quite a long time for the ingredients. Some of the soap are ones for the bin because they look horrible or smell horrible. These are some of our best soaps.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
My New Zealand Journey
This term working on a slideshow called - My Nz Journey, we had to make it from the bottom of New Zealand to the top. We could stay in Luxury Hotels or Camper vans. If there was activity I would never do in my ever life would be going to Mr Ross's Farm. My favourite ride would be Shweeb Nz. We had a budget of $5,500 over the whole trip It was really challenging with doing all the maths to add up to the days totals. The hardest slide was Petrol slide because it took so long with all the typing up and Calculating everything. I learnt some new skills like Booking flights, Staying within a budget and lot's more.
Friday, October 27, 2017
My NZ Journey
This Term we have been working on a slideshow called - My Nz Journey, we had to make it from the bottom of New Zealand to the top. We could stay in Luxury Hotels or Camper vans. It was really challenging with doing all the maths to add up to the days totals. The hardest slide was Petrol slide because it took so long with all the typing up and Calculating everything. Here is my Petrol slide and what activities that we could do in Rotorua down below. Come back in a couple of weeks for the full Slideshow.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Our Clusters
Yesterday we had CyberSmart with Gerhard. We had to add places into Google My Maps. We had to do it on the CyberSmart clusters from all over New Zealand and visitors from all over the Globe. It was hard because we had to find where all the schools in Ako Hiko cluster are. I also just learnt that there are more than one cluster in New Zealand, there are four. We are in the Ako Hiko cluster.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Crazy Science Show
Today we were at the Magical World Of Crazy Science by Richard and Robyn. It was so fun watching the show because I learnt so many new things that I never would of know if I didn't go there. I learnt that water is the only thing that is a Liquid, Solid and a Gas. My favourite part was when he was talking about a diaper and baby pee and how it turned into a jelly like solid when the pee hit the polymer. The reason why it does that is because in the nappies there is a thing called polymer which soaks up all the liquid and then it turns into a solid. I really wonder how they make that much polymer to add into the nappies all around the world. Another fact, polymer is the most made thing in the world. I think I should start learning more about science by reading more books in the library and watch more YouTube videos so I can be an expert. Another cool thing is when you mix two or more chemicals together it creates a cool explosion or a chemical reaction. Cool Bubble Video
Friday, September 8, 2017
Good Times
A couple of weeks ago we startee making some poems about camp. At this moment we hadn't gone to camp. We had to make it at least 4 lines long. We had to make it rhyme at the end of each line. We also had to draw a picture about our camp. it was hard because we had to add lots of detail to our drawing. It took me ages to finish my drawing. The easy part was planning out what I was trying to draw, But I think I did well on my poem. If I could go back and change anything it would be the size of the lettering. Overall it was a challenging making the poem look good. Here is my poem - Good Times
The poem reads -
I was at camp with my friends
I wish the fun never ends
We were playing touch then we saw a beast
So we ran inside and had a feast
It was dark outside, late at night
So we ran inside and had a pillofight
Everybody woke up to the noise
My dad came in and said "Goodnight Boys"
Friday, September 1, 2017
My Camp Experience
Last week we had a school camp. It was amazing, we had so much fun. There was a very nerve racking build up to camp everybody was so excited for the departure to Mt Ruapehu . They had a very long drive to Mt Ruapehu, around nine hours including all the stops. Unfortunately I couldn't go on the bus ride down there because I was at something else. I was very upset that I couldn't go to to Hamilton Gardens, Kiwiana town and Taumarunui School. I wish I could've gone on the bus. But anyway here's what I've done on camp. It was a very tough four days for most people on camp, one the physical strength of everybody and two the mental strength. Because we all got frustrated a bit and got hurt a bit, but I got hurt heaps. Overall it was a really fun time and I wish I could go back there in a couple of weeks.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Since the start of term three we have been doing Taekwondo. In our first session we all got a wake up call from the taekwondo instructor. We were all told that we could only speak in outside voices. And we always had to say yes Ma'am and yes Sir to our teachers. It was really fun after that first session because we grew to know our taekwondo teacher. We also got to do a competition every week, we do it on a Thursday. Yesterday our competition was the scissor kick. I came first in my class the two times that we did it. Here are some photos of us warming up for our kicking competition.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Making A Good Comment
Yesterday for Cyber Smart we were looking at making quality blog comment. We were adding Positive, Helpful And Thoughtful commenting starters on a padlet. After we had done that we went onto Ako Hiko to find a blog to comment on. I chose New Windsor School Room 26. I did a comment on there library post. It was really fun doing all the parts of a comment individually. It was not as hard as I thought it was going to be a lot harder. This is the commenting template.
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Friday, August 4, 2017
Math's Creations
Yesterday for maths Te Waka Ako were looking at strand maths. We were asked to make a frame for a house or a tent. We were only aloud to use Toothpicks and modelling clay (Plasticine) and cardboard, we had One hour to make our creation.
It was really hard because it kept on falling down and I would run out of Plasticine, I couldn't get the right build. So I went back to the basics and I just made a little box or cube then I built a little Pyramid on top so it would be a little house. The best thing was trying to make the creation.
I was really happy that it wouldn't fall over anymore. I found out that the easier that you built it, the easier it was for it to stand up. I thought it was really fun and challenging trying to make it stand up and to do it with the amount of materials. Here is what I built, feel free to comment.
It was really hard because it kept on falling down and I would run out of Plasticine, I couldn't get the right build. So I went back to the basics and I just made a little box or cube then I built a little Pyramid on top so it would be a little house. The best thing was trying to make the creation.
I was really happy that it wouldn't fall over anymore. I found out that the easier that you built it, the easier it was for it to stand up. I thought it was really fun and challenging trying to make it stand up and to do it with the amount of materials. Here is what I built, feel free to comment.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Creative Writing
Yesterday we had creative writing. We got to find an image off the internet and write about it, it was really fun. We only had twenty minutes to do it that's why it's quite small. I wrote about the All Blacks because they play the sport I love and have lots of people who I look up to. It was such an intense game that I wrote about that's why I wanted to write about it. It was fun being able to express all my ideas about the sport I love onto a game that was so close and was gut wrenching for the Irish Supporters. Thanks for checking out my post, feel free to comment.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Smart Choices
A couple of days ago we made a comic strip on smart choices on our Email. Before we made the comic strip we made a sorting map on things that are good for your school account, good for own account and what is inappropriate. It was fun making the comic strip because we got to take funny photos. The only reason why how I knew to react is because of James and Gerhard in Cybersmart. Check out the comic down below, Don't forget to comment.
Friday, June 23, 2017
CyberSmart - Wordcloud
Yesterday for CyberSmart we were looking at our digital footprint. We decided to make a Word cloud with our history on our Chromebooks. We saw Gerhard's history and we saw a word that looked pretty odd and that word was Proposal. We asked him why he had Proposal on there and it was about him going for a new job. Unfortunately we had no internet so we made them today. There will be an image down below of my World cloud.
It was fun learning about what Gerhard does on his work account and how little cookies in our computers talk to each other and put advertisements on Facebook and other social media sites. He also talked about how are computers are listening to us, Gerhard also showed us that by saying "Hi Siri" and the it replied. We were all in shock. He then showed us his Word cloud then he had to work with another group, It was really fun. Don't forget to comment.
It was fun learning about what Gerhard does on his work account and how little cookies in our computers talk to each other and put advertisements on Facebook and other social media sites. He also talked about how are computers are listening to us, Gerhard also showed us that by saying "Hi Siri" and the it replied. We were all in shock. He then showed us his Word cloud then he had to work with another group, It was really fun. Don't forget to comment.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Yesterday/Today we did CyberSmart on thinglink. We previously made a picture on BeFunky and published that onto thinglink then we used the rule of two. The rule of two is two bits of information about yourself then its two videos that link to yourself finally you add two websites that link to yourself. It was really cool because I got to see myself on YouTube.
Friday, May 26, 2017
The Big Move
On Monday we moved from our old classes into one big classroom called Te Waka Ako. We had a big opening ceremony that the whole school attended. We had a speech from our local MP Michael Wood. Michael Wood came to talk about how privileged we are to be in the new classroom. The Kapa Haka group which I was a part of preformed two songs He Honore and Tu Tere Mai Nga Iwi. To finish it off Michael Wood cut the ribbon for our classroom to be officially open to the students from Waikowhai Primary School. It was a fun experience, the year fives are so lucky that they can be in here next year. I wish I am a year five. But the year sixes still get half a year in the classrooms which is still awesome. We have the coolest furniture like couches and high chairs and more. One end building has a big glass sliding door that is sound resistant, It awesome in here. The building has no walls so it just one big classroom. We also have three teachers that roam around and help us plus we get taught by them as well. We have three home bases Waitemata - Green, Hauraki - Blue and Manukau - Yellow, mine is Waitemata. Hope you like my post feel free to comment and don't forget to check out the photos.
Blog ya later
Thursday, May 18, 2017
First Cyber Smart Session
Today we had our first Cyber Smart session this year. We had somebody new, His name was Jerad. He was replacing James because James could only have three years to teach Cyber Smart. It was really fun because we learnt about our digital foot print. Hope you like my post, feel free to comment.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
This week we have been learning about Matariki. We all had to make our own presentations on what we knew about Matariki. Here is my work, please feel free to comment.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Swimming Zones
Today certain year five and six students were chosen to be in the Mt Roskill swimming zones. I was one of the students that was chosen, It was so nerve racking once we got there. I was doing freestyle and breaststroke even though I was real bad at breaststroke. I swam my best in freestyle - 16.50, I was really proud of myself. But in the breaststroke I got 33.30 but yet again it's not my favourite style. We also did a year six boys relay and a year six girls relay and both of our teams came fourth which is awesome. Then every one else did a medley relay bar us because none of us could do butterfly but that's fine. So after all the relays they announced the overall relay winners and of course it was going to be Three Kings School, But overall we had an awesome day.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Story Starters
In Room 7 we have been listing to story starters from Famous people like Dai Henwood and the Nek minute guy. If you want to check out some of the videos
check this out this by copying the link
After we looked at the videos we got some inspiration to write some of our own. Here is my story stater guess what happened at the end, don't forget to comment.
check this out this by copying the link
After we looked at the videos we got some inspiration to write some of our own. Here is my story stater guess what happened at the end, don't forget to comment.
Along the beautiful trimmed bushes, beautiful smooth paint jobs, magnificent polished Audi R8’s along Jam St sits the Troydmurg household. Charles was sound asleep dribbling profusely out of his mouth and nose. His Wife is waffling about herself as per usual. In the meantime his huge black toenail begins to wriggle off…
His toenail has eventually fallen off leaving a revolting odour in the bedroom. Jeremy the toenail started growing bigger and bigger until it was the size of a big baby. Then he begins hopping around the room bashing into everything, but somehow Charles and his wife didn’t wake up. Jeremy hit his head on the wardrobe and some smelly undies fell on his huge jagged toenail head. In the meantime Tom the cat snuck into the room and sat on Charles’s bed, eyeing Jeremy out looking at him like it was his favourite treat. Tom was about to attack when Jeremy ran out the door barely escaping on a journey to find…
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